digital humanities database
“Founded in 1990 as an experiment in scholarly publishing on the Internet, Postmodern Culture has become the leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures…As an entirely web-based journal, PMC can publish still images, sound, animation, and full-motion video as well as text.”

The Huffington Post is an American news website and content aggregating blog founded by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti, featuring various news sources and columnists. The site offers coverage of politics, media, business, entertainment, living, style, the green movement, world news, and comedy, and has news, blogs, and original content.

“Gawker is a news-magazine/blog based in New York City that bills itself as 'the source for daily Manhattan media news and gossip' and focuses on celebrities and the media industry.”

“Project MUSE provides full text, subscription access to current content from scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.”

Like the New York Times, just online.

One can find a gathering of news articles on various subjects such as greem technology, gaming technology, and more. There is a front page that takes from all these sources, and subpages for each specific topic. It also has job postings in the tech businesses, and puts together meet-ups for its community of technology executives, entrepreneurs and investors together several times a year through high-level executive conferences and custom networking events.

A list of academic resources on gender and sexuality which users can add to.

“Vectors is a new electronic journal that brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge designers and technologists to propose a thorough rethinking of the dynamic relationships of form and content in academic research, focusing on ways technology shapes, transforms and reconfigures social and cultural relations.”

A website famed for its list-based humor; Cracked tends to be informative as well as funny. They do quite a few myth-debunking and historical lists, and manage to keep them entertaining at the same times.
